Wealth Services Overview | Wealth Planning Lawyer Washington DC

Wealth Management Overview

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Klug Counsel provides sophisticated tax planning and structuring for federal, state, and international taxation to corporations, partnerships, private equity funds, nonprofits, individuals, and family offices.

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Wealth Management Services 

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We have extensive experience working with clients to ensure their hard work to acquire and grow wealth can continue to benefit their desired beneficiaries by coordinating the conditions and means for transfer to beneficiaries. We create tailored asset-management, estate, and business succession plans for individuals, businesses, families, and family offices. We know the rules governing income, gift, and estate taxation, and work closely with financial advisors and accountants to structure plans that protect assets, benefit future generations, and facilitate the support of charitable, educational, and religious institutions. We are well versed in handling formation and structuring of family offices (and their subsidiaries and affiliates), sophisticated tax planning, wealth transfer strategies, liability mitigation and highly customized structuring of investments throughout the capital structure and across alternative asset landscapes.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInRight” el_class=”content-btn”]Estate Planning International Estate Planning Family Office Corporate Fiduciary Representation[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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