international tax attorneys

Tax Services Overview

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Basswood Counsel (formerly Klug Counsel) provides sophisticated tax planning and structuring for federal, state, and international taxation to corporations, partnerships, private equity funds, nonprofits, individuals, and family offices.

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Tax Services Overview

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Basswood Counsel provides federal, state, and international tax advice to corporations and other business entities, nonprofits, individuals, families, and family offices. Our attorneys provide creative, practical, business-oriented solutions to achieve the client’s goals. We take the lead in tax planning and structuring for foreign and domestic limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and joint ventures.

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Economic and political uncertainty, shifting tax schemes globally and the increased pace of technological disruption is rapidly reconfiguring how sophisticated business transactions take place. Successful deals require forward-thinking investment strategies and a tax-efficient approach. We guide clients at each stage of the fund life cycle from formation and management, transactions and investments, optimization of fund and portfolio company operations, and exit planning. Whether a transaction is a taxable asset or equity sale, a tax-free reorganization, we have in-depth experience from working on complex, cutting-edge deals.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInLeft” el_class=”content-btn”]Corporate Tax Private Equity Mergers & Acquisitions International Tax Tax Exempt Organizations Executive Compensation Tax Controversy and Litigation[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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